Advocacy and Policy

Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network

The Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network is an inclusive, producer-centered network to promote soil health and climate resilience across Oregon through collaboration, education, and advocacy.

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150 150 Brittney Deming

Craft3 – community development organization

"Craft3 is a nonprofit community development organization that uses capital, relationships, and voice to build a thriving, just and empowered Pacific Northwest. We invest in people, businesses, and communities, and work towards a future of shared prosperity across our region." Craft3's approach centers around creating a future that allows for equal opportunity, regardless of origin,…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Events Calendar- Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center

VGMHC hosts many different events related to healthcare and advocacy- access this calendar to find what's upcoming and book tickets! “The Mission of the Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center is to provide high quality, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate primary health care to the communities of Washington and Yamhill counties with a special emphasis on migrant…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Minimum Wage and Overtime in Agriculture- Law Information

This document from the Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industries details the laws surrounding agricultural work, mandates for overtime pay, and minimum wage. This helpful document can help workers understand their rights and ensure they're being compensated for their hard work, and outline for employers their responsibilities in ensuring wage compensation is lawful and fair.

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Advocacy Resources from Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center

"Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center is the largest non-profit community health center in the state of Oregon, serving Washington and Yamhill counties. We know it's important to use our power to speak up for healthcare at the local, state, and national levels." VGMHC provides advocacy resources on its website for: Oregon Voting information "Know your…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

UNID@S for Oregon- Leadership/Advocacy program of Latino Network

"UNID@S for Oregon is a leadership program of Latino Network that strives to build a framework that fosters cohesion, trust, and relationships among leading Latine individuals and organizations. The program links existing leadership initiatives and builds capacity among local communities for a cohesive social change movement. Latino Network also provides opportunities for cohort members to…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Academia de Líderes- Latino Network

"La Academia de Líderes dota a los líderes latinos emergentes de Portland y alrededores de las herramientas necesarias para convertirse en agentes de cambio y defender los intereses de nuestra comunidad. Los participantes adquieren habilidades de liderazgo, capacidad de organización y capacidad para participar en la gobernanza local y hacer oír su voz. El programa…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Public Notice & Comment Guide– Department of Environmental Quality

"The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has instituted the use of a modernized, cloud-based tool for a selection of compliance programs within the agency and several business processes that involve the public and regulated entities. This document addresses how public users participate in the public notice process in Your DEQ Online. " For tips on…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Tips for Submitting Effective Public Comments

Submitting a public comment is one of the most effective ways to have your voice be heard on an issue you care about. Check out this guide to give you tips on how to make sure your written testimony gets your message across to legislators in a way that will enact change. "A comment can…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta

Environmental-related Permits Open for Comments

Have Your Voice Heard! Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality is constantly considering permits for businesses and more that will affect our environment. They need to hear from you! Go here to see permits under consideration, then find one that may affect your community, click on it and follow the directions for submitting comments. For resources…

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150 150 Addison Sobotta