Agricultural Leasing and Purchasing

Ways to Look for Land

We’re the first to admit - there’s no secret sauce to the land search process. Successfully finding land requires a mix of determination, clear communication, good planning and frequently a dose of luck. What you can do is get your search out into the world - create content, knock on doors, talk to everyone you…

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150 150 Foff_Natalie

Land Access – Oregon Farm Link

Oregon Farm Link connects beginning farmers and ranchers with land holders, helping to grow Oregon’s next generation of family farmers. How does it work? Step 1: Browse listings. Anybody can browse the land seeker and available land listings. Step 2: Create a user profile and then create either a land holder or land seeker listing. Each user must create…

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150 150 Brittney Deming

American Farmland Trust

American Farmland Trust launched the conservation agriculture movement and has been bringing agriculture and the environment together since 1980. We take a holistic approach to farmland and ranchland, protecting it from development, promoting environmentally sound farming practices, and keeping farmers on it. Agriculture offers the most promising solutions in our fight against climate change—but only…

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150 150 Brittney Deming

Adelante Mujeres – Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Program

Advancing cultural, economic, and health equity for the local Latinx growing community with a positive impact on our land and climate. The Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Program teaches closed-loop growing and other best farming practices to new and beginning Latine farmers and members of the Latine community interested in growing their own food and improving…

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150 150 Courtney Stone

Oregon Agricultural Trust (OAT) works to protect Oregon’s agricultural lands

OAT is an agricultural land trust that works collaboratively around the state to safeguard Oregon’s farm and ranch lands and the rural communities that depend upon them. OAT strives to permanently protect ag land, help it stay in production, educate our community, and help advocate for farmland preservation.

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150 150 Christina Bentrup

Workshop: Business Planning – Small Farm Business School Recordings

Back in winter of 2021 Small Farm School held an online Small Farm Business School which was a perfect opportunity for beginning farmers to learn more about three valuable topics - land leasing, farm taxes and writing a business plan. Follow the link to find the three recordings.

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150 150 Brittney Deming

Landholders – The Landholder Toolshed at California Farmlink

The Landholder Toolshed at California Farmlink offers a wealth of resources on leasing, conservation easements and working with service providers.

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Guide – Acquiring Your Farm online tutorial from Land For Good

Acquiring Your Farm (AYF) is a free, online tutorial, for aspiring, new and beginning farmers – and others – preparing to access farmland. AYF contains lessons organized around seven topics and designed to provide a thorough introduction to the complex issues of farmland access and tenure.

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Lease rates – UVM Online Tools for Determining Farmland Rental Rates

UVM Extension's New Farmer Project offers this article about considerations for determining lease rates and an introduction to two online tools for evaluating farmland rental rates.  

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Landholders – A short guide on farmland leasing for landowners by Land for Good

Are you considering making your land available for farming? This guide is for landowners with properties that are—or could be made—available for farming. Offering your land to a farmer can be a win-win strategy if you do it in a well-planned fashion. Leasing your land can help you meet your stewardship goals with multiple benefits…

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