General Beginning Farmer

FAQ about using custom-exempt processing facilities

This article produced by Oregon State University Beef Cattle Sciences outlines and answers some of the most common questions asked about utilizing custom-exempt slaughter and processing facilities in Oregon. It specifically lays out recommendations for beef, pork, lamb, and goat.

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150 150 Christina Bentrup

Beef and Pork Whole Animal Buying Guide

This resource from Iowa State Extension is a consumer-oriented guide that explains buying pork and beef as whole animals (or portions thereof). It includes marketing terms and information on storage and handling, meat inspection and meat weight, and common retail pork and beef cuts.

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150 150 Christina Bentrup

Northwest-based Seed Companies

Siskiyou Seeds - Osborne Quality Seeds - Adaptive Seeds - Nicholas Garden Nursery -

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150 150 Courtney Stone

High Desert Food and Farm Alliance (HDFFA) Agricultural Support Program

HDFFA improves the viability of farmers and ranchers through relationship building and marketing, technical, and capacity support.  We collaborate with regional organizations and agencies to offer workshops, networking events, grants and financial assistance. Our Get a Taste marketing campaign builds awareness of High Desert producers and products to the Central Oregon community. In 2024, funding for…

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150 150 Brittney Deming

Workshop: Business Planning – Small Farm Business School Recordings

Back in winter of 2021 Small Farm School held an online Small Farm Business School which was a perfect opportunity for beginning farmers to learn more about three valuable topics - land leasing, farm taxes and writing a business plan. Follow the link to find the three recordings.

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150 150 Brittney Deming

USDA – How to Start a Farm: Beginning Farmers and Ranchers

New to farming? Want to learn how to start a farm? USDA offers dedicated help to beginning farmers and ranchers. USDA considers anyone who has operated a farm or ranch for less than ten years to be a beginning farmer or rancher. USDA can help you get started or grow your operation through a variety…

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150 150 Brittney Deming

Feed’em Freedom Foundation (FFF)

Feed’em Freedom Foundation (FFF) ignites and centers Black Agriculturists to participate as owners and movement leaders within agriculture, land stewardship, regional food security response, and economic prosperity. Their work involves creating educational pipelines to agriculture for Black and BIPOC youth, Land Stewardship, Regional Food Security response, and economic prosperity as a means of gaining sovereignty for Black Oregonians. 

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150 150 stainedfoffresources

OSU Agriculture & Natural Resource Program @ EOU

Serving eastern Oregon, the OSU Agriculture & Natural Resource Program is a cooperative partnership between Oregon State University's College of Agricultural Sciences and Eastern Oregon University.

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150 150 stainedfoffresources

Rogue Farm Corps Farming Training Programs

Are you interested in entering or learning more about the field of sustainable / regenerative agricultural production? Wondering what it’s like to be a farmer? Rogue Farm Corps’ Farmer Training Programs offer immersive opportunities for aspiring farmer and farm-curious folks to dive into this world, gain hands-on experience, build skills, network, and learn fundamental concepts.…

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150 150 stainedfoffresources

Come Thru Market Farmer Training Program

Come Thru Market Farmer Training Program supports beginning farmers of color in Portland in building their farmers market readiness and success. This program is specifically designed for people of color, including immigrants and refugees. The Come Thru Market Farmer Training Program is aligned with OSU's 

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150 150 stainedfoffresources