General Beginning Farmer

Rogue Farm Corps Farming Training Programs

Are you interested in entering or learning more about the field of sustainable / regenerative agricultural production? Wondering what it’s like to be a farmer? Rogue Farm Corps’ Farmer Training Programs offer immersive opportunities for aspiring farmer and farm-curious folks to dive into this world, gain hands-on experience, build skills, network, and learn fundamental concepts.…

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Come Thru Market Farmer Training Program

Come Thru Market Farmer Training Program supports beginning farmers of color in Portland in building their farmers market readiness and success. This program is specifically designed for people of color, including immigrants and refugees. The Come Thru Market Farmer Training Program is aligned with OSU's 

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Adelante Mujeres’ Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Program

Adelante Mujeres' Agriculture and Food Sovereignty Program teaches closed-loop growing and other best farming practices to new and beginning Latine farmers and members of the Latine community interested in growing their own food and improving the health of their families and community.

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USDA’s Resources for Small and Mid-sized Farmers

The USDA's Resources for Small and Mid-sized Farmers share information about access to capital, land management and conservation practices, managing risk, finding local markets, and other educational resources.

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Headwaters Farm Incubator Program

Headwaters Farm Incubator Program is designed to assist in the development of new farmers. The program involves leasing out sections of EMSWCD’s Headwaters Farm to motivated, experienced individuals who will use it as a launching pad for their own farming endeavors.  

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Zenger Farm Internships

Zenger Farm offers internships that teach farming skills and help build a career in the food system.

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OCFSN Oregon Beginning Farmer and Rancher Services Directory

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National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) – Resources for Beginning & Minority Farmers

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) - Resources for Beginning & Minority Farmers -- A list of blog posts and other informational resources pertaining to beginning BIPOC farmers.

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Civil Eats Young Farmer Publication

Civil Eats publishes a regular column aimed at uniting young farmers.

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New England Small Farms Institute

New farmers may be new to farming, or they may have grown up on a farm. New farmers may be young, but they may just as likely be career changers or retirees. New farmers may be exploring the idea of starting a farm, actively planning to start a farm, or be in the first years…

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