Land Access – Oregon Farm Link

Land Access – Oregon Farm Link

Climate Resilience

Advocacy and Policy


Oregon Farm Link connects beginning farmers and ranchers with land holders, helping to grow Oregon’s next generation of family farmers.

How does it work?

Step 1: Browse listings. Anybody can browse the land seeker and available land listings. Step 2: Create a user profile and then create either a land holder or land seeker listing. Each user must create both a profile and a listing of what they are offering and/or looking for before communicating directly with any of the site’s other listings. This is a two step process. Once you have created a profile, you will be able to make your own listing for publication on the website. All Farm Link listings require approval from FoFF staff, which normally happens within 2 business days, so please be aware that you will not be able to immediately contact other listings. If you are a beginning farmer with fewer than 2 years of farming experience, we encourage you to check out our Beginning Farmer Resources page. Step 3: Connect! Once you receive an email confirmation that your listing has been approved, you can log in to the site and send blind emails to users at the address in the bottom right corner of the page. Be sure to include a link to your Oregon Farm Link listing when you email other users so they know who you are! Click here for tips on connecting with Farm Link Users. More than 70 land matches have been made since the program started in 2009. Learn about some successful land connections made through OFL.


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150 150 Brittney Deming