Transportation services for medical appointments- Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center

Transportation services for medical appointments- Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center

Climate Resilience

Resources for Black, Indigenous, and Farmers of Color

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“Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Centro provides door to door transportation to and from all hospitals and clinics in the Washington County, Yamhill County and Portland area for Virginia Garcia patients who have barriers getting to their medical, dental and vision appointments.
Patients are transported to and from our clinics. Transportation services are also available to diabetes classes and other related health classes. We can also provide transportation to WIC, the Social Security Office, Department of Health and Human Services, etc.

Monumento a Virginia García Health Centroproporciona transporte puerta a puerta desde y hacia todos hospitals y clínicas en Washington County, Condado de Yamhill y área de Portland para Virginia García pacientes que tienen barreras para llegar a sus citas médicas, dentales y oftalmológicas.
Patientsson transportados hacia y desde nuestras clínicas. También se encuentran disponibles servicios de transporte para diabetes clases y otras clases de salud relacionadas. También podemos proporcionar transporte a WIC, el Social Security Office, Departmentde Salud y Servicios Humanos, etc.”

“The Mission of the Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center is to provide high quality, comprehensive, and culturally appropriate primary health care to the communities of Washington and Yamhill counties with a special emphasis on migrant and seasonal farmworkers and others with barriers to receiving health care.

La misión del Virginia García Memorial Health Center es brindar atención primaria de salud integral, culturalmente apropiada y de alta calidad a las comunidades de los condados de Washington y Yamhill, con especial énfasis en los trabajadores agrícolas migrantes y estacionales y otras personas con barreras para recibir atención médica.”


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150 150 Addison Sobotta